Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

The Time Has Already out

Bless the fall of the current god
For it cannot hold the time
Grace rise upon our shoulder
For the god will not take our salvation
The god is not here
And the time is has already out.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


Heart's beating faster
Rapid eyes movement
Enlargement of iris
Hands shaking
Absurd mumbling
Itchy scalp

Well, that's excitement for you.

Or should i call it fear?

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010


I'm dying like a mosquito trapped in a room laced with repellent.
Flying round and round, blurry eyes caught me red handed.
Shouting for help couldn't help me at all.
Ever feel like you're tied up to a boulder and thrown to a lake? it's pretty much the same.

I feel that i need you. I still need you.

Then i finally got out from that hellish place.
Regain my laughter, reviving my touch.
Freed from all the pain and suffering from the tragic loss.
Suddenly all my wounds are opened and played in front of my own eyes.

I feel that i need you. I still need you.

Lobotomi paksaan

Pisau bedah dan bor elektrik merobek kulit kepala sedikit demi sedikit.
tulang tengkorak yang keras bukan tandingan gergaji rupanya.
siap-siap diangkat tengkoraknya, jangan sampai ada serpihan yang tertinggal.
kau bisa lihat isi kepalaku?
Kau masih menari-nari di dalamnya.

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010


Him : Hey, are you free tonight?

Her : Umm i don't know. Why?

Him : I want to talk about something.

Her : Oh, why don't you tell me now?

Him : No. This is private and important.

Her : We ARE alone here. Now, spit it out.

Him : I can't. We mustn't talk now.

Her : Why?

Him : Anybody could eavesdrop anytime.

Her : Gosh, you're unbelievable. Stop wasting my time and tell me now or else i wouldn't come tonight.

Him : Hey, you must understand...

Her : Now!

Him : Okay. Umm. I am...

Her : I am what?

Him : I am devoured.

And everybody start to scream senselessly.

Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010

Yogyakarta-Bandung Blues

Kereta ekonomi melaju 100 km/h dan angin menyuruh saya menyalakan rokok.
Penjual jenang berteriak pilu dan memaksa saya berdecak kesal.
Argo Bromo menjerit dan Keheningan saya terpecah.
Malam berputar, otak mulai kram.

Stasiun Gombong menyapa saya dan saya balik tersenyum.
Siapa itu di dalam toilet? apakah sudah boleh masuk?
Abu rokok melayang-layang membuat saya tidak tenggelam.
Malam berputar, kepala berangsur mendingin.

Bukit berbaris tersapu kabut, angin surut menentang lokomotif.
Badan tertahan, kaki terjerat, mata melayang.
Dingin bukan musuh, kebosanan bukan oposisi.
Lima menit sangat berarti, Kiaracondong melambai penuh arti.

Saya termasuk dalam 106 nyawa di gerbong ini.
Berusaha keluar, berusaha masuk, berusaha bertahan.
Larut selarut-larutnya dalam euphoria urbanisasi.
Yogyakarta-Bandung, 11 jam berbumbu imajinasi.

Senin, 01 Februari 2010


Starting from February, i will do my chores on my own.
Starting from February, i will not snuck my nose up onto other's.
Starting from February, i will think more carefully.
Starting from February, i will breath more fresh air.
Starting from February, i will play more seriously.
Starting from February, i will not let anyone down.
Starting from February, i will drill my mind more often.

And starting from February, i will not stop calling you.

Calling you out.

Out to my place.

This seat is still vacant.